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Yellowstone Helicopters Good Neighbor Policy

Great helicopter companies start by being great local partners, and Yellowstone Helicopters works with local businesses and stakeholders in West Yellowstone and beyond to be a local partner.

Here’s how we’re making scenic flights in and around Yellowstone’s outback a reality offering up value scenic tours to locals, visitors, the differently abled, regional NGO’s and government agencies here in West Yellowstone.

West Yellowstone Wildlife Policy

Our wildlife policy is, “First, do no harm.” We take great care in spotting wildlife from the air and creating an airspace around those animals to avoid negative wildlife encounters. Our minimum flight altitude is 1000 feet above terrain at all times, and when we spot larger wildlife and livestock we give them the space they need to enjoy the day.

Wildlife encounters are always exciting, but ensuring these animals have the ability to go throughout the day without recurring flight patterns is important to us and the greater Yellowstone ecosystem outside the park. Bears, Wolves, Bison and Elk all need space to roam the wild and scenic American West.

West Yellowstone Ranch, Home and NO FLY Zone Policy

Occasionally, our traffic pattern flies over private residences and ranches outside of West Yellowstone. Direct overflight of private property cannot always be helped. In most cases, our flight routes can be modified if requested. Owner and Director of Operations Mark Schlaefli to facilitate a conversation on how we can make changes.  Rest assured, as long as it is safe and legal, we will go out of our way to make changes where we can.

We recently added a No Fly zone to a Bald Eagle rookery location near Horse Butte. Thanks to local Yellowstone native Sarah Bennett for alerting us to that special location and giving us the opportunity to be a good wildlife neighbor. We love eagles!

Local NGO And Agency Flight Donations

Yellowstone Helicopters supports conservation efforts in the region. We are here to help where we can with heavily discounted flights and donations to assist with and raising for wildlife restoration and habitat. We want to be an integral part of making the region a better, more vibrant place.

West Yellowstone Locals

Aviation has solid roots in the West Yellowstone area going back 100 years when the first biplanes landed in West Yellowstone. We want to keep the tradition alive, and we offer heavily discounted flights to locals, and when there is space available, free flights! Yellowstone Helicopters will host a students day in September at the West Yellowstone Airport to introduce aviation to the kids and who knows, maybe recruit future pilots! Please call Mark Schlaefli, Owner and Director of Operations for more information.